Information for Non-Skiers
Some travelers viewing this website may wonder about our name “Ski Italy and More”. While skiing is abundant, and conditions are usually great in the “Val di Sole” area, we are not about to let those interested in visiting the Italian Alps pass up this amazing opportunity to experience the wonders of Northern Italy.
If you’re a skier, then please review our skiing information. But if you or your traveling companion(s) are less apt to spend a lot of time on the slopes, fear not! With our optional side trips to Venice and the vast amount of activities in the greater Trent region available, this trip is perfect for anyone.
In addition to offering 8 day Hosted Vacations with Day Trips to Venice Ski Italy and More offers 15 Day Hosted Vacations with Day Trips to Venice and customized Trip Extensions to almost anywhere in Italy and Europe. Whether you are a skier or non-skier you will always find something to do on a Ski Italy and More vacation.
Because of Trentino’s breathtaking views and geography, the opportunity to practice a wide array of sports activities is abundant. Ski Italy and More knew this and wanted to offer the immense resources to travelers coming from the United States.
The splendid Val di Sole is home to our featured Hotel Dimaro; and with rivers flowing from the Adige, lakes, streams, and vast vineyards, the beauty held within the natural landscape is never more than a glance away.
Imposing mountain chains dominate the entire region: the Atesine Alps to the north, the Retiche Alps to the west, and even the massive Dolomite to the east.
These and other natural beauties have made the Trentino region a fixed destination for lovers of nature and of the mountains… Come experience the Trentino region and all it has to offer with the SKI Italy and More Vacations!
If you would like more information about visiting the Italian Alps with us or about the attractions and natural highlights of the greater Trento/Val di Sole region please contact Ski Italy and More, at 1-781-337-5620 or email us at
Visit our “Press” page to read the excellent travel story written by reporter Virginia Hayes about the Val di Sole that was published in the “The Patriot Ledger” newspaper travel section when we first started our trips to Val di Sole.
We hope you will be able to join us for a great winter vacation on the slopes of Val di Sole. Ciao!